One of the method to control your network is using MAB feature. It is
helpful in case you have devices without dot1x functionality. Today I
will try to implement basic configuration and analyze log messages.
There is only one switch SW1 and one device attached to port Fa1/0/2.
I haven’t configured ACS yet but let’s see what error message I receive:
On ACS I see following error message:
“RADIUS Request dropped: 11007 Could not locate Network Device or AAA Client”
I have to add the SW1 to the Network Device list and then check the result once again.
On ACS I see:
“Authentication failed: 22056 Subject not found in the applicable identity store(s)”
To fix the problem I have to add the mac address to the hosts database:
Users and Identity Stores->Internal Identity Stores->Hosts
One mandatory step here is letting know the Access Policy that the default identity was extended to hosts. We can change it by adding:
a) Users and Identity Stores->Identity Stores Sequences - create a new IS add hosts to available identity stores
b) Access Policies->Access Services->Default Network Access->Identity- and change Identity Source to the new one
Let’s test it once again:
As we see the result now is ‘success’.
The second option for mab is using EAP-MD5 authentication. The password (mac address) is encrypted but from security perspective it doesn’t improve anything.
You should remember that now the device has to be in ‘hosts’ database with username and password = mac address. Be careful with password because it is case sensitive !
For ‘mab’ following radius attributes are used:
Authentication Method = Lookup; Service-Type = Call Check and for ‘mab eap’:
Authentication Method = CHAP/MD5; Service-Type = Framed
aaa new-model
aaa authentication dot1x default group radius
int Fas1/0/2
authentication host-mode single-host
authentication port-control auto
I haven’t configured ACS yet but let’s see what error message I receive:
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Received MAB context create from AuthMgr
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Created MAB client context 0x1100000F
mab : initial state mab_initialize has enter
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Sending create new context event to EAP from MAB for 0x1100000F (0000.0000.0000)
mab-sm(Fa1/0/2): Received event 'MAB_START' on handle 0x1100000F
mab : during state mab_initialize, got event 4(mabStart)
@@@ mab : mab_initialize -> mab_acquiring
%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet1/0/2, changed state to up
mab-ev: Received NEW MAC (8843.e1e3.b1f0) for 0x1100000F
%AUTHMGR-5-START: Starting 'mab' for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 88011309000000060085099E
mab-sm(Fa1/0/2): Received event 'MAB_AVAILABLE' on handle 0x1100000F
mab : during state mab_acquiring, got event 7(mabAvailable)
@@@ mab : mab_acquiring -> mab_authorizing
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Starting MAC-AUTH-BYPASS for 0x1100000F (8843.e1e3.b1f0)
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): MAB received an Access-Reject for 0x1100000F (8843.e1e3.b1f0)
%MAB-5-FAIL: Authentication failed for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 88011309000000060085099E
mab-sm(Fa1/0/2): Received event 'MAB_RESULT' on handle 0x1100000F
mab : during state mab_authorizing, got event 5(mabResult)
@@@ mab : mab_authorizing -> mab_terminate
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Deleted credentials profile for 0x1100000F (dot1x_mac_auth_8843e1e3b1f0)
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Sending event (2) to AuthMGR for 8843.e1e3.b1f0
%AUTHMGR-7-RESULT: Authentication result 'server dead' from 'mab' for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 88011309000000060085099E
%AUTHMGR-5-FAIL: Authorization failed for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 88011309000000060085099E
On ACS I see following error message:
“RADIUS Request dropped: 11007 Could not locate Network Device or AAA Client”
I have to add the SW1 to the Network Device list and then check the result once again.
%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Received MAB context create from AuthMgr
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Created MAB client context 0x2D000010
mab : initial state mab_initialize has enter
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Sending create new context event to EAP from MAB for 0x2D000010 (0000.0000.0000)
mab-sm(Fa1/0/2): Received event 'MAB_START' on handle 0x2D000010
mab : during state mab_initialize, got event 4(mabStart)
@@@ mab : mab_initialize -> mab_acquiring
%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet1/0/2, changed state to up
mab-ev: Received NEW MAC (8843.e1e3.b1f0) for 0x2D000010
%AUTHMGR-5-START: Starting 'mab' for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 880113090000000700875369
mab-sm(Fa1/0/2): Received event 'MAB_AVAILABLE' on handle 0x2D000010
mab : during state mab_acquiring, got event 7(mabAvailable)
@@@ mab : mab_acquiring -> mab_authorizing
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Starting MAC-AUTH-BYPASS for 0x2D000010 (8843.e1e3.b1f0)
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): MAB received an Access-Reject for 0x2D000010 (8843.e1e3.b1f0)
%MAB-5-FAIL: Authentication failed for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 880113090000000700875369
mab-sm(Fa1/0/2): Received event 'MAB_RESULT' on handle 0x2D000010
mab : during state mab_authorizing, got event 5(mabResult)
@@@ mab : mab_authorizing -> mab_terminate
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Deleted credentials profile for 0x2D000010 (dot1x_mac_auth_8843e1e3b1f0)
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Sending event (2) to AuthMGR for 8843.e1e3.b1f0
%AUTHMGR-7-RESULT: Authentication result 'no-response' from 'mab' for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 880113090000000700875369
%AUTHMGR-7-FAILOVER: Failing over from 'mab' for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 880113090000000700875369
%AUTHMGR-7-NOMOREMETHODS: Exhausted all authentication methods for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 880113090000000700875369
%AUTHMGR-5-FAIL: Authorization failed for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 880113090000000700875369
mab-sm(Fa1/0/2): Received event 'MAB_DELETE' on handle 0x2D000010
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Received ABORT event from Auth Mgr for 0x2D000010 (8843.e1e3.b1f0)
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Deleted credentials profile for 0x2D000010 (dot1x_mac_auth_8843e1e3b1f0)
mab-ev: Freed MAB client context
On ACS I see:
“Authentication failed: 22056 Subject not found in the applicable identity store(s)”
To fix the problem I have to add the mac address to the hosts database:
Users and Identity Stores->Internal Identity Stores->Hosts
One mandatory step here is letting know the Access Policy that the default identity was extended to hosts. We can change it by adding:
a) Users and Identity Stores->Identity Stores Sequences - create a new IS add hosts to available identity stores
b) Access Policies->Access Services->Default Network Access->Identity- and change Identity Source to the new one
Let’s test it once again:
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Received MAB context create from AuthMgr
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Created MAB client context 0xF5000018
mab : initial state mab_initialize has enter
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Sending create new context event to EAP from MAB for 0xF5000018 (0000.0000.0000)
mab-sm(Fa1/0/2): Received event 'MAB_START' on handle 0xF5000018
mab : during state mab_initialize, got event 4(mabStart)
@@@ mab : mab_initialize -> mab_acquiring
%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet1/0/2, changed state to up
mab-ev: Received NEW MAC (8843.e1e3.b1f0) for 0xF5000018
%AUTHMGR-5-START: Starting 'mab' for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 8801130900000009008EDC11
mab-sm(Fa1/0/2): Received event 'MAB_AVAILABLE' on handle 0xF5000018
mab : during state mab_acquiring, got event 7(mabAvailable)
@@@ mab : mab_acquiring -> mab_authorizing
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Starting MAC-AUTH-BYPASS for 0xF5000018 (8843.e1e3.b1f0)
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): MAB received an Access-Accept for 0xF5000018 (8843.e1e3.b1f0)
%MAB-5-SUCCESS: Authentication successful for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 8801130900000009008EDC11
mab-sm(Fa1/0/2): Received event 'MAB_RESULT' on handle 0xF5000018
mab : during state mab_authorizing, got event 5(mabResult)
@@@ mab : mab_authorizing -> mab_terminate
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Deleted credentials profile for 0xF5000018 (dot1x_mac_auth_8843e1e3b1f0)
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Sending event (2) to AuthMGR for 8843.e1e3.b1f0
%AUTHMGR-7-RESULT: Authentication result 'success' from 'mab' for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 8801130900000009008EDC11
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet1/0/2, changed state to up
%AUTHMGR-5-SUCCESS: Authorization succeeded for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 8801130900000009008EDC11
As we see the result now is ‘success’.
SW1#sh mab all
MAB details for FastEthernet1/0/2
Mac-Auth-Bypass = Enabled
SW1#sh authentication sessions interface Fa1/0/2
Interface: FastEthernet1/0/2
MAC Address: 8843.e1e3.b1f0
IP Address: Unknown
User-Name: 88-43-E1-E3-B1-F0
Status: Authz Success
Domain: DATA
Security Policy: Should Secure
Security Status: Unsecure
Oper host mode: single-host
Oper control dir: both
Authorized By: Authentication Server
Vlan Group: N/A
Session timeout: N/A
Idle timeout: N/A
Common Session ID: 8801130900000009008EDC11
Acct Session ID: 0x00000009
Handle: 0xA1000009
Runnable methods list:
Method State
mab Authc Success
The second option for mab is using EAP-MD5 authentication. The password (mac address) is encrypted but from security perspective it doesn’t improve anything.
interface FastEthernet1/0/2
mab eap
You should remember that now the device has to be in ‘hosts’ database with username and password = mac address. Be careful with password because it is case sensitive !
SW1#clear authentication sessions
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Received MAB context create from AuthMgr
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Created MAB client context 0xE7000025
mab : initial state mab_initialize has enter
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Sending create new context event to EAP from MAB for 0xE7000025 (0000.0000.0000)
mab-sm(Fa1/0/2): Received event 'MAB_START' on handle 0xE7000025
mab : during state mab_initialize, got event 4(mabStart)
@@@ mab : mab_initialize -> mab_acquiring
mab-ev: Received NEW MAC (8843.e1e3.b1f0) for 0xE7000025
%AUTHMGR-5-START: Starting 'mab' for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 880113090000000E00AD9407
mab-sm(Fa1/0/2): Received event 'MAB_AVAILABLE' on handle 0xE7000025
mab : during state mab_acquiring, got event 7(mabAvailable)
@@@ mab : mab_acquiring -> mab_authorizing
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Starting MAC-AUTH-BYPASS for 0xE7000025 (8843.e1e3.b1f0)
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): MAB received an Access-Accept for 0xE7000025 (8843.e1e3.b1f0)
%MAB-5-SUCCESS: Authentication successful for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 880113090000000E00AD9407
mab-sm(Fa1/0/2): Received event 'MAB_RESULT' on handle 0xE7000025
mab : during state mab_authorizing, got event 5(mabResult)
@@@ mab : mab_authorizing -> mab_terminate
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Deleted credentials profile for 0xE7000025 (dot1x_mac_auth_8843e1e3b1f0)
mab-ev(Fa1/0/2): Sending event (2) to AuthMGR for 8843.e1e3.b1f0
%AUTHMGR-7-RESULT: Authentication result 'success' from 'mab' for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 880113090000000E00AD9407
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet1/0/2, changed state to up
%AUTHMGR-5-SUCCESS: Authorization succeeded for client (8843.e1e3.b1f0) on Interface Fa1/0/2 AuditSessionID 880113090000000E00AD9407
SW1#sh authentication sessions interface fa1/0/2
Interface: FastEthernet1/0/2
MAC Address: 8843.e1e3.b1f0
IP Address: Unknown
User-Name: 8843e1e3b1f0
Status: Authz Success
Domain: DATA
Security Policy: Should Secure
Security Status: Unsecure
Oper host mode: single-host
Oper control dir: both
Authorized By: Authentication Server
Vlan Group: N/A
Session timeout: N/A
Idle timeout: N/A
Common Session ID: 880113090000000E00AD9407
Acct Session ID: 0x0000000E
Handle: 0x5D00000E
Runnable methods list:
Method State
mab Authc Success
SW1#sh mab all
MAB details for FastEthernet1/0/2
Mac-Auth-Bypass = Enabled (EAP)
For ‘mab’ following radius attributes are used:
Authentication Method = Lookup; Service-Type = Call Check and for ‘mab eap’:
Authentication Method = CHAP/MD5; Service-Type = Framed
- very good documentation about mab:
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