Today I would like to set up a VPN tunnel between two ASAs with capability of sending OSPF packets over the IPsec tunnel. I know there are similar examples available on the Internet but I would like to check if there are any problems during the implementation. 4.4 . 4.0 / 24 7.7 . 7.0 / 24 5.5 . 5.0 / 24 /---- \ . 1 . 10 ----- . 1 . 2 ----- . 10 . 2 /---- \ | R1 |----------| ASA1 |----------| ASA2 |----------| R2 | \- ---/ ----- ----- \- ---/ |<----- VPN ----->| The basic configuration: R1: ! hostname r1 ! interface GigabitEthernet0 / 0 ip address 4.4 . 4.1 255.255 . 255.0 no sh ! router ospf 200 network 4.4 . 4.0 0.0 . 0.255 area 0 ! R2: ! hostname r2 ! interface GigabitEthernet0 / 0 ip address 5.5 . 5.2 255.255 . 255.0 no sh ! router ospf 100 log - adjacency - changes network 5.5 . 5.0 ...